At KCBT teachers prepare their students for the real world, by giving them global skills necessary for the 21st century whilst learning English at the same time.

Introduction of HOT SKILLS – higher- order thinking skills in which students understand things at a higher level, infer and connect them with other concepts rather than memorizing facts.
Students understand their own strengths and work towards goals to overcome challenges.
• Problem-Solving Skills – students are
given step by step methods to solving problems in all areas of their life,
using real-life examples
• Critical Thinking – students are encouraged to think outside
the box; infer, invent, create, design and ask questions.
• Visual Imagery -Students discover their minds and how to
grasp concepts through visualisation, making movies in their mind.
• Organisational Skills – students are given tools to organise
their thoughts. Mind-maps, time management and study skills help connect their
thoughts, concepts and relationships.
• Team Building – Students learn by working with others.
• Leadership Skills – Students can lead a team in a
• Emotional Intelligence – Students learn to manage their
emotions and the emotions of others to improve their social behaviour.
• Mindfulness – Learn the importance of managing stress in
today’s world through meditation and taking care of one’s overall health and
• L.E.A.P (Language Extension & Additional Practice – students
can work with other students regardless of their English levels in special
workshops where the focus may be in a particular skill, e.g. Communication and
Culture (Updates on Immigration, Life in Australia, Further Studies); Academic
Writing Preparation; Employment Skills; Pronunciation through Singing;
Listening for a Purpose.